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Water Softeners

Install Water Softeners in Your Home or Business near the Flower Mound, TX Area

Water softeners are systems that transform hard water into soft, potable water. DFW Water Softeners can help you remove the minerals such as calcium and magnesium that cause hard water. Hard water is the main cause of several issues, some of which you may not even be aware of. These issues include:


  • Clogged pipes
  • Detergent diluted in water
  • Buildup inside your pipes
  • Residue in water appliances


These problems reduce the efficiency and lifespan of your water supply. Get rid of those problems with a professional water softener installation and get soft water on demand.

Offering a Myriad of Water Softener Systems

When it comes to the installation of water softener systems, DFW Water Softeners comes second to none. DFW Water Softeners offers residential and commercial installations and works with renowned manufacturers such as Clack and Pentair valves. You can get dual media filters to remove harmful chemicals like chlorine and chloramines. Types of systems installed by DFW Water Softeners:


  • 32K Water Softeners 
  • 48K Water Softeners 
  • 64K Water Softeners 
  • 80K Water Softeners 
  • Twin Alternating Water Softeners

We Service & Rebed Systems

In order to keep your water softener in optimal condition, you need to get resin change or media replacement from time to time. If you start noticing that your water softener is producing a really bad smell or it’s clogged from sediment and chlorine, then it’s time to get media replacement or resin change. Call us today at (469)679-1788 and we will take care of all of your water softener needs while also providing you with free estimates!

Contact DFW Water Softeners, LLC Today

We Work With the Best Clients