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Make Water Great Again

Welcome to DFW Water Softeners, a locally owned and operated provider of water softener and purification systems offering comprehensive services around the Lake Dallas area. Roger Engbrock, the proud owner of DFW Water Softeners, worked for a lot of corporations right after college, and he wanted to start his own business and work for himself. Roger is a Class 3 Water Treatment Specialist licensed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

DFW Water Softeners was founded in 2020 after Roger worked in the residential and commercial water treatment industry for over two years. The vast experience of Roger working in the oil fields, industrial construction, and pipeline industry specializing in commissioning projects has helped him in boosting DFW Water Softeners as a leading provider of water softener and filtration systems. Roger has installed hundreds of water treatment systems from various manufacturers in the industry. Every installation is unique in its own way and Roger treats it like he is installing the system for his own home or business. DFW Water Softeners leads in the local industry in customer approval and strives to provide world-class service!

Contact DFW Water Softeners, LLC Today

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